The realm of music is extremely diverse and seemingly knows no limit. This show aims to showcase various aspects of music, including traditional music, music throughout history, and the intersection of music genres. This show features performances of original music and rearrangements of songs from various periods and genres as well as a short set from the Portland-based band, Gored, to give you a glimpse into the modern DIY metal scene.
Artists Involved: Cyrus Daniels (any/all), Kyllian Lecours (he/him), Jack Kovaleski (he/him), Cordelia White (she/her), Dax Kutka (he/him), Emma Parr (they/she), Ethan Burchette (he/him), Jace Randall (they/them), Oliver Maude (he/him), Ryan McFadden (he/him), Vince Ghiglieri (he/him), Calido Marquez (they/them), and Jack Henderson (he/him)